Why Ditching Gluten Could Improve Your Diet
For people with celiac disease or gluten intolerance, avoiding gluten is a must to avoid serious health consequences. However, some people without celiac disease or gluten intolerance have chosen to eliminate gluten from their diets as a way to improve their overall health. At No Name Nutrition Market in Omaha, we know firsthand the benefits a gluten-free diet can have on overall health, which is why we offer Omaha’s widest selection of gluten-free products.
more4 Vitamins People Don't Get Enough Of Through Food
Vitamins are essential nutrients your body needs to function and stay healthy. Even if you have a healthy diet, many people don't get enough of certain vitamins through food alone. At No Name Nutrition Market in Omaha, our health food store has the all-natural vitamin supplements you need to live your healthiest life.
moreThe Benefits of a Plant-Based Diet and How to Make the Switch
At No Name Nutrition Market in Omaha, we are passionate about helping people live healthier, happier lives. One way we do this is by promoting the benefits of a plant-based diet. Whether you're looking to improve your overall health or reduce your environmental impact, switching to a plant-based diet can have a significant positive impact on your life.
moreWhy It's Never Too Late To Start Eating Healthier
At No Name Nutrition Market in Omaha, we believe that eating a healthy diet is one of the most important things you can do for your health and well-being. However, if you haven't been eating healthy up until now, you may be wondering if it's too late to make changes. The good news is that it's never too late to start eating healthier. Here are some reasons why switching to a healthy diet gets even more important as you age.
more4 Reasons to Take a Multivitamin Every Day
Do you take a multivitamin every day? If not, you should be! Multivitamins provide a wide range of health benefits, including supporting healthy aging, hair and skin health, boosting your immune system, and so much more.
In today's blog post from No Name Nutrition, we will discuss four reasons why you should start taking a multivitamin every day. Read on to learn more, and if you're looking for the best daily multivitamin, shop No Name Nutrition today!
moreHow Essential Oils Can Help You
Essential Oils have been found to have many benefits and are a great natural approach to a healthier and more natural life.
moreHow healthy eating contributes to a healthy lifestyle
A well-balanced diet is an important part of a healthy lifestyle. Supplements cannot be used as the only means to obtain the nutrients we need for our body. Thinking of food as a means to fuel our body, and of the benefits they provide can help when it comes to deciding what you want to eat for dinner or what to get the next time you go to the grocery store.
Maintaining a Healthy Body Weight
Choosing a healthy well balanced diet helps you maintain a healthy body weight. Keeping your body at a healthy weight can help prevent heart disease, diabetes, stroke, and high blood pressure. It is also important to stay active, and pair a healthy diet with daily physical activities.
Contributes to a Healthier Heart and Low Blood Sugar
When your diet has a balanced amount of healthy fats and healthy food it helps contribute to a healthier heart. Keeping a healthy amount of fiber in your diet helps lower blood pressure and cholesterol. Choosing foods that are low in saturated fats and sugars also help contribute to a heart healthy diet, and lower blood sugar.
Gives You Energy
Food is fuel for your body. Choosing the right healthy foods that your body can process, and use for energy will have you feeling like a new person. When we choose to eat foods that are highly processed with lots of sugars, it slows us down and causes inflammation in our body. It is important to choose foods that are high in nutrients and low in additional ingredients that will slow our bodies down, leave us feeling lethargic and bloated, or cause sugar crashes.
moreBenefits of Taking Daily Multivitamins
Taking a daily vitamin can have many health benefits. There are many great multivitamins that should be taken daily, but also an array of other vitamins that can help boost your immune system, contribute to a healthier lifestyle, and leave you with healthier skin and nails. Here are a few benefits of taking daily vitamins.
- It helps boost immunity- Vitamins B6, C and E have been shown to help support your immune system. These vitamins help support antioxidants in the body and help fight infection. Zinc is also great to help with inflammation in the body.
- Boost heart health- Multivitamins and magnesium are great to help contribute to a healthy heart. Making sure you get your daily vitamin and mineral needs can help keep your heart healthy.
- Healthy aging- Making sure you get the vitamins you need, especially as you age is important. At different stages in life your vitamin and mineral needs can change, and providing your body with the appropriate vitamins and minerals it needs will help keep your body aging in a healthy way.
- Healthy hair and skin- All cells need nutrients for growth, and hair and skin are no different. By providing your body with daily Vitamin A and Biotin it gives your skin the chance to rejuvenate itself, and contributes to the nutrients needed to help your hair grow.
Boost Your Child’s Immune System in 7 Simple Steps
School is just around the corner, and it is important to make sure your child is going into the school year with a strong immune system. Here are a few tips to help your child build up a healthy immune system.
- Encourage a healthy diet
- Importance of providing children with rich antibiotic foods, foods that encourage growth and development is the foundation of a healthy child. Make sure they are consuming a well-balanced diet and getting their daily fruits and veggies!
- Out with the refined sugars
Keep refined sugars to a minimum. This will help your child's mood, allow your child to have a healthy sleeping schedule, and allow for proper concentration when sitting in a classroom.
- Build in enough time for your child to sleep
Sleep is so important. It is the time of our children’s day that allows their body to reset and is imperative to their mental and physical growth and development.
- Practice good hygiene
Teaching children to properly wash their hands and following the rules their school will be working with in the fall with help to mentally and physically prepare them for the time back in the classroom.
moreDr. Cass Ingram on Your Health
World-renown nutritional physician Dr. Cass Ingram recently visited No Name Nutrition to meet with customers one on one and help address their health and wellness concerns. Hear more from Dr. Ingram here:
moreWays to Stay Healthy This Cold and Flu Season
Cold and flu season is upon us, and some feel a little unprepared.
more6 Reasons Why Water Should Be A New Year's Resolution
If you are thinking you should make your health a priority this year, you are right! Everyday we hope to help people make healthy choices for their body and guide them to ways to improve their overall wellness.
Drinking water is a great foundation to lay for a healthy lifestyle. We emphasize LIFESTYLE here because we hope this is something our customers do every day and is not a short-term solution. Water is an essential nutrient for your body, and is something everyone should consider a staple in their diet.
Here are a few reasons it is important to make staying hydrated a priority this year and in the future:
- Water helps lubricate your joints
- Water helps regulate your body temperature
- Drinking water helps maintain the balance of body fluids
- The digestive system depends on water
- Helps maintain blood pressure
- Makes minerals and nutrients more accessible to your body
These are just a few reasons why proper hydration should be a lifestyle change. Alkaline water is a favorite with Todd, Trent and Josh. Ask them why they drink it for optimal health
moreNew Year, New You… Now What?
New Year, New You… Now What?
We hear many customers talk about their resolutions come the beginning of the year, but when February rolls around, many have already broken them. Part of the reason this is, is because they look to change everything about their lives, but sometimes baby steps is all it takes.
We recommend that you take one of the following to start off with. Make this change and possibly introduce another a few weeks later. Health is not something you can snap your fingers and make happen. It takes a lot more work than deciding to make a resolution, it is a daily commitment and a lifestyle change we are here to support you with every step of the way.
Start with one of these baby steps towards health, and make big changes one choice at a time:
- Drink more water. We talk a lot about the importance of staying hydrated and eliminating sugary drinks. Substitute a sugary drink in your life with water, eliminate the excess sugar intake while helping you stay more hydrated.
- Take daily vitamins. We know it is difficult to get in all your appropriate vitamins and nutrients through your diet, so help yourself by taking a daily vitamin and giving your body what it needs.
- Choose less processed foods and beverages. By eliminating processed foods and beverages, you are introducing less sugars, sodium, and fat to your daily diet. Try and eat whole and organic foods, and ones that you know where they are sourced for the best ingredients.
- Get some rest. Your body needs rest, and we don’t always give our bodies what they need. If you are struggling with sleeping try out melatonin, or a calming essential oil. If you are unsure on what to take, ask our employees for another supplement for helping you get the rest you need.
14 Ways to Show Yourself Some Love (with a little help from No Name Nutrition!)
14 Ways to Show Yourself Some Love (with a little help from No Name Nutrition!)
Happy Valentine’s weekend from No Name Nutrition. We are all about showing your body the love and respect it deserves. Here are 14 ways you can show yourself some love this Valentine’s Day.
- Try out a new essential oil- We know with everyone working from home, sometimes the house can get a little stale. Essential oils have beneficial properties and are a great way to treat yourself.
- Sore muscles? Pick up something to relax your muscles and soothe any soreness and aches.
- Cook yourself a delicious meal with our organic meat options! Nothing says “I love you more” than giving your body a healthy form of fuel.
- And don’t forget to add in a few of our bulk herbs for that pure flavor.
- Choose a good supplement! Make good choices and don’t choose that over processed supplement with fillers that your body doesn’t need.
- Treat your skin right with one of our many natural products. Your skin is the largest organ on your body and deserves to be treated well.
- Introduce a probiotic into your life, that good bacteria could be just what your body needed.
- Choose a local product. We have products from around the Omaha area that sell their products from No Name Nutrition. Feel good about giving back to your local community with local honey, or other products.
- Add Zinc to your daily routine. Zinc is a great way to help your immune system so you can keep up with taking care of yourself and your loved ones.
- Choose an organic or low sugar snack. Valentine’s Day doesn’t have to be all sugar
- Enjoy a delicious CBD chocolate bar.. Chocolate is always a delicious treat and CBD is said to calm anxiety, relax sore muscles, ease inflammation, bolster productivity, and stop acne, so you can’t go wrong!
- Join us for Dr. Ingram's Lectures February 22nd-27th! Cut out time in your day to find out to best help your immune system. RSVP here for the event today!
- Choose curbside pickup for your next order. We make shopping healthy easy! With personal shoppers and phone service, you can get your nutrition and wellness products easily from No Name Nutrition Market.
- Come say “Hi!” to your favorite employees here at No Name Nutrition Market! We are always getting in new products for your health and wellness needs and always excited to see and help our customers out!
Let No Name Nutrition Market Help Prepare You For Spring
Spring Has Almost Sprung and No Name Nutrition Market is Here to Help You!
We know it’s cold! BRRRRR! We have experienced record breaking cold in temps this week, but we can look forward to Spring’s arrival SOONER! Warmth and sunshine will soon fill our lives again and that can bring about more positive attitudes and a better overall feeling of health on their own. If you want to jumpstart that Spring feeling, here are 5 tips on how to achieve that Spring feeling with No Name Nutrition.
- Relax! Do you know No Name Nutrition has products that can help calm your nerves and create more restful, peaceful sleep?
- Eat better! It is easier than you think. Come by and shop our stores and let us know what YOUR health goals are. Our employees are always willing to help guide our customers, and our personal shoppers always have great suggestions for healthy snacks.
- Vitamins and supplements are an easy way to balance the nutritional needs in your body. Those winter blues can hit a bit harder when your body isn’t receiving all the necessary vitamins and minerals it needs.
- Add a local honey to your morning tea or breakfast. Honey is a great natural antioxidant and is full of nutrients!
- Add a nootropic brain booster to your diet! Feeling a little foggy and sluggish during these cold months? Introduce a daily dose of fish oil to your diet as a rich source of docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) and eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA), two types of omega-3 fatty acids.
Simple Ways to Detox Your Body
Simple Tips on How To Help Detoxify Your Body
Feeling sluggish and wondering how to detox and give your body that push it needs. Try out these tips and give yourself the restart you need!
- Drink More Water- You hear us say how important water is A LOT, but it is because it is true. Water helps your body perform its necessary functions, but it also helps carry waste out of your body, repair cells, and break down nutrients.
- Eat Antioxidant Rich Foods- Antioxidants help defend your body and cells from potentially damaging free radicals.
- Eat Plenty of Fiber- Eating plenty of fiber helps with weight loss and maintenance. Fiber may also help lower cholesterol levels, as well as your risk of diabetes and heart disease.
- Decrease Salt Intake- There are many benefits of limiting salt intake, but mainly increased salt intake dehydrates the body. Keeping your
- Use the correct salt. Many people use white refined salt in their diets, which can cause problems with blood pressure. Using Redmond Salt or Himalayan Pink Salt can eliminate problems because they contain minerals to help nourish our bodies instead of harming them. Come in and talk with our knowledgeable staff to find out which is better for you!
- Get Active- Exercise really helps flush out the lungs, and is great for your skin when you are working up a sweat. Sweat those toxins out!
- Choose the right vitamins and supplements- Come on in and ask us the best approach to a daily vitamin and supplement plan to help detox your body and have you feeling your best!
Don't Let Yourself Have a Vitamin D Deficiency
Why is Vitamin D Important?
Did you know Vitamin D is produced in your skin as a response to sunlight. It then helps regulate the amount of calcium and phosphate in the body, helping keep bones, teeth and muscles healthy!
Unfortunately, we can not just depend on the sun for our Vitamin D needs. It is very important to to have appropriate amounts of Vitamin D in our system, and at times we may need to add in supplements or eat more Vitamin D rich foods, such as fatty fish. Vitamin D has benefits such as helping our moods, supporting our immune system, and helping fight disease.
Vitamin D may play an important role in helping regulate your mood and may help with warding off depression. If you are commonly struggling with your mood in regards to anxiety and depression, it would be worth getting it checked and seeing if you have a Vitamin D deficiency.
Vitamin D helps enhance the function of your immune system. It is important to give your body an appropriate amount of Vitamin D to help support your immune system against common diseases.
Lastly, Vitamin D may help your body fight off diseases such as heart disease, high blood pressure, diabetes and other diseases. If you have a Vitamin D deficiency beware you may be prone to aches and pains, muscle and bone weakness, or issues with stress fractures.
moreBenefits of Using Vitamins When Working Out
When we work out, our muscles move and perform in ways above our body’s ability to provide basic nutrition for ourselves. It is important to supplement with vitamins, minerals, electrolytes and other nutrients to help us achieve our best results.
Vitamin C is important as it increases immune system activity and helps break down carbohydrates to use them for energy. It also plays a vital role in collagen production and tissue repair.
Calcium is great for bone strength, helps with processing energy, and helps contracting muscles when working out. Your bones tend to take a lot of stress when working out, so keep them strong with readily absorbed sources like MCHA (Microcrystalline Hydroxyapatite) or Calcium Citrate.
B12 is great as it helps provide oxygen to your muscles. It also helps with the production of red blood cells, so it will help your body in building that muscle you want, verse letting it tear itself down.
Protein is an essential part of muscle growth, and is needed for our bodies to develop and maintain muscle mass. Making sure you also have different sources of protein in your diet is important as well so your body can function properly.
moreThe Importance of Protecting Your Skin from the Sun in a Healthy Way
How are you protecting your skin from the sun? It's summer time and we all love to spend time outdoors, but it is important to protect your skin from the sun's rays. When protecting your skin, think about how it is the largest organ of the human body, and you should be considering what you put on your skin just as much as what you are putting into your body.
Start off by Wearing Protective Clothing. This is a really easy way to protect your skin from the sun without having to put add excess chemicals. Wearing Appropriate Eyewear
Wear Sunscreen, but not just any sunscreen. Choose something that will keep your skin safe from UV rays, but Choose the Right Sunscreen
Don’t Use Vitamin D as an Excuse- just because we are told we need Vitamin D, doesn't mean overexposure to the sun is the way to go about it. Vitamin D helps your body with the absorption of phosphorus and calcium, and also helps keep your immune system running properly.
If you are looking for a sun sunscreen, or a Vitamin D supplement as any one of our employees the next time you are in No Name Nutrition Market.