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New Year, New You… Now What?

New Year, New You… Now What?

We hear many customers talk about their resolutions come the beginning of the year, but when February rolls around, many have already broken them. Part of the reason this is, is because they look to change everything about their lives, but sometimes baby steps is all it takes.

We recommend that you take one of the following to start off with. Make this change and possibly introduce another a few weeks later. Health is not something you can snap your fingers and make happen. It takes a lot more work than deciding to make a resolution, it is a daily commitment and a lifestyle change we are here to support you with every step of the way.

Start with one of these baby steps towards health, and make big changes one choice at a time:

  1. Drink more water. We talk a lot about the importance of staying hydrated and eliminating sugary drinks. Substitute a sugary drink in your life with water, eliminate the excess sugar intake while helping you stay more hydrated.
  2. Take daily vitamins. We know it is difficult to get in all your appropriate vitamins and nutrients through your diet, so help yourself by taking a daily vitamin and giving your body what it needs.
  3. Choose less processed foods and beverages. By eliminating processed foods and beverages, you are introducing less sugars, sodium, and fat to your daily diet. Try and eat whole and organic foods, and ones that you know where they are sourced for the best ingredients.
  4. Get some rest. Your body needs rest, and we don’t always give our bodies what they need. If you are struggling with sleeping try out melatonin, or a calming essential oil. If you are unsure on what to take, ask our employees for another supplement for helping you get the rest you need.

Together this all may seem overwhelming, but we are here to help you take baby steps. Choose one of these items and make a change. Once this has become part of your routine, add another. We are here to help and support your health and wellness and know that it takes time and are always here to answer any questions you may have when it comes to supporting a healthy lifestyle.